
Customers of the WEEK!

Cukui has survived its first week since the grand opening, and one of the things we never expected was the incredible amount of love and support from family, friends, colleagues and our japantown neighbors! Here's a few memorable customers from this past week...

Kid Rainen from Jabbawockeez got inked by Orly and picked up a few Cukui shirts.
A visit from Phi, another Jabbawockee. Hangin out with Nick from FingerBangerz. Twice in one day. Really, what are the chances?!?
Steve Caballero, legendary pro skater, wearing the Cukui CHOMP shirt.
If you're a frequent japantown junkie, then you probably know who Sybil is and her pet Sammy. Sammy made a doo-doo on our floor, but all good... nothing a paper towel can't fix.
Balancing a Goorin Brothers Fedora on your nose is way more cooler than wearing it on your head. Oscar from Ringling Brothers was on tour in San Jose and decided to stop by Cukui while strolling through the neighborhood.
Cukui Mang!

- meesh -

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